Routine Dental Maintenance small problems don’t become big problems with a thorough dental examination and treatment. Routine dental maintenance is essential for your horse’s health and comfort.
Advanced periodontal disease are very proactive on treating this very common and painful condition. Early diagnosis and treatment are essential and can prevent or relieve a huge amount of oral pain.
Community and Volunteering Jackson is extremely driven to improve animal welfare worldwide. Since childhood, she has always been passionate about helping animals and this was the reason she became a veterinarian...
Research and Lecturing Jackson is enthusiastic about contributing to the veterinary profession and body of knowledge on equine dentistry. Since 2014, she has been researching an equine dental condition called...
Incisor and Canine Restorations horses need ‘fillings’ too! Just as with human teeth, horse teeth can suffer from caries or ‘decay’. Early diagnosis and treatment can often prevent serious and painful consequences.
Infundibular restorations the cheek teeth need ‘fillings’ as well! Horse’s upper cheek teeth each have 2 central structures known as infundibulae which can be prone to a developmental defect and require restoration.